SpongeBob SquarePants Ticket Boom Game is an action-filled redemption game. Stand on the 'Stop' button and watch as the light moves toward you.
The cabinet has light panels down the front of the machine and on the floor of the machine. To play, you stand at the base of the machine on the 'stop' button and insert coins. The top panel then lights up, and the light moves towards you. When it reaches the 'stop' button, you must jump and stomp the light. You win tickets whenever you to stop the light on the 'stop' button. If you manage to win 5 consecutive rounds you get the 'Jackpot Challenge'.
The cabinet includes a giant marquee with characters from the hit Nickelodeon cartoon show, including Spongebob Sqaurepants. The game also includes the voice of Spongebob and flashing lights to draw attention.